milk bingsoo, bulgogi pizza
last one is so cute. it says "seung hee noona, don't go to korea"
this morning we had to go to kinkos before grace's interview to print out stuff from her photoshop. but we ended up running late because the guy who worked there was a freaking butthole.
we ended up running to FIT for her interview because we didn't wanna be late. we arrived RIGHT when they were bout to start. i felt like her mom, so proud. i ended up tearing a bit for some reason lolll. i was sitting there waiting for her with the other parents. and while waiting for her they did a tour of the school for parents and i joined hehehe.
i need to start school soon! i still didn't go in to apply............ i'm so scared and... lazy :b
and afterwards we just ate at red mango and went to koryodang.
got quickly's before going home (the papaya milk shake tastes like throw up!!!) and we passed out.
it's raining so hard right now. it sucks... we're debating on what we should do. we both don't have rainboots!!! i should really follow my own tips and invest in some good rainboots.