Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i want this awkward turtle plushie!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

i absolutely hate being on my period.
my food cravings get outta control but my stomach is cramping at the same time.
so hungry but can't eat :(
village yokocho in st. mark's.

two plates of bbq + two appetizers + soup dish + four desserts= FOOD COMA.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

i hate how i'm breaking out again right after my skin started to clear up.

life is so unfair lol.

this is cool, it's not an actual painting but a lady with paint on her.
goodness i really need to stop napping during the day. i can't sleep.

and the cat by my window isn't helping either...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

omgoodness, first thing i wanna do when i get back home is go to denny's and eat this.

"$4 Fried Cheese Melt - Grilled Cheese with a twist. Four fried mozzarella sticks and melted American cheese grilled between two slices of sourdough bread. Served with wavy-cut French fries and a side of marinara sauce."

and it's only four bucks... what a deal.

Monday, October 18, 2010

people ALWAYS look better when they lose weight.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

highlight of my weekend: cleaned up poopy water.

ooo i love my life. lol.

but no really, for some reason i wasn't phased by that.
i just got to the point where i stopped caring.

Friday, October 15, 2010

found this on someone's tumblr.
swallowing my pride.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Five things you will find if you open my bag:
1. sephora makeup bag
2. three different wallets. (one for coins, one for bills and punch cards, and one for metrocard/debit card)
3. gum
4. hand sanitzer
5. notebook

Five things in my bedroom:
1. empty water bottles and cans.
2. broken tv.
3. thing that holds up my clothes but it looks like it's about to collapse any minute now....
4. decieving mirror.
5. lucky cat.

Five things I have planned for the week:
1. everything is unplanned but i should probably start hitting up the gym again.
2. clean out my stuff.
3. sell my couch.
4. get a haircut.
5. get a life.

Five things that make me very happy:
1. excluding my family and good friends. my dog.
2. movies that exceed my expectations.
3. food that satisfies my cravings.
4. when i have a good hair day. (which is rare!!!)
5. making progress.

Five things I’m currently into:
1. patterns on clothing (been into for awhile actually...) minus animal print.
2. ramen for breakfast (bad i know :/)
3. catching up on my sleep on the train.
4. raspberry frozen yogurt <3
5. the cool weather in the mornings.

Five things on my to-do list: (WHICH I WILL START NEXT MONTH!!!)
1. learn the ukelele
2. learn to speak korean. or at least enough to have a decent convo.
3. learn to cook korean food.
4. buy a dslr and learn how to use it.
5. give my dog a makeover so she doesn't look like she's been crying for days.

Five things some people may or may not know about me:
1. i can be evil, but never vengeful.
2. i can eat anything and like it except cilantro. (although it's somewhat tolerable now...)
3. i get easily attached to things but can easily leave it.
4. i can't draw or do anything with art. (people always think i can for some reason...)
5. and........ i don't know. i'm just unpredictable sometimes!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MY LAZYNESS will be the death of me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

this is a 30 something year old woman who posed to as a boy so she can date a 16 year old girl.
this world is crazy!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

this made me feel a little sick...

mouse accidently baked into bread. =X

Sunday, October 3, 2010

this picture freaked me out...

anyways... today was a very relaxing day.
finished up all my candies.
finally applied to FCI. (starts in march if i get in)
and took a five hour nap.

time goes by fast sometimes when you don't want it to.
but nonetheless i enjoyed my day.

Friday, October 1, 2010